Livestock Development Corporation| Rue Foe Yaoundé Cameroun

The new partnership agreement was signed with the Groupement des Techniciens Apicoles du Cameroun [Cameroon Association of Beekeeping Technicians] (GTAC) on the morning of 29 July 2022 at the SODEPA Head Office.

After a warm welcome from SODEPA’s top management, the President of the Cameroon Association of Beekeeping Technicians, Mr. AYANGMA, made a brief presentation of the beekeeping plan and the many perspectives for SODEPA’s operating units. He recalled several of the GTAC’s obligations, including:

  • Provide SODEPA with human, material and logistic resources necessary for the enforcement of the agreement;
  • Provide SODEPA with the necessary support for setting up of an apiary within the operational units;

A speech by the General Manager of SODEPA, Mr. KOULAGNA KOUTOU, then introduced the concrete phase of the signing of the agreement by the two parties

The agreement shall focus on the following:

  • Promotion of beekeeping at the national and international levels;
  • Drawing up of a beekeeping plan for SOPEPA;
  • Implementation of the beekeeping plan at the level of the different operational units of the company;
  • Supervision of the beekeepers in SODEPA;
  • Support for beekeepers entering the portfolio of the company and refresher course for them;
  • Development of various activities related to beekeeping within the company;

After some group photos, the day ended with two sessions of sampling of products derived from honey, in particular mead on the one hand, and brochettes of matured meat on the other hand.